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From start to finish we will cover every aspect of your delegates experience; from how they are invited and registered, where they stay, what their travel itinerary is and how your corporate message is conveyed before, during and after the event.


REGISTRATION We can help you create a unique and secure registration site, tailored to your individual requirements and reflect the branding you are aiming to deliver.  We ensure that we have the correct data fields to run regular reports to analyse and manipulate data when needed.  Send regular communication emails to keep your delegates informed and excited of the event ahead.

ACCOMMODATION Based on the data obtained from the registration site we can liaise directly with the hotels to book the accurate number of bedrooms required. Benefits include reduced cancellations charges, real-time delegate lists and the ability to cater for personal requests effectively.


TRAVEL Working closely with your team, we can provide all aspects of travel management to get your delegates from their homes to your event.  Taxi's, booking flights or exclusive, VIP helicopter transfers can all be accommodated within your delegates itinerary.

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